About us

A group of positive individuals got together to create a start-up in the beautiful south of France. They had a dream to improve the workplace culture of the world's largest companies. That dream became a reality in 2018!

Our Values: the heart of Listen Leon

At Listen Leon, we embody five core values that guide our every action. Discover GABAH, our inner compass.

Générosité (Generosity)

Giving without counting the cost. We believe in abundance and always give our best, because every gesture counts.

Altruisme (Altruism)

Putting others first. We act for the well-being of others, because by uplifting others, we uplift ourselves.

Bravoure (Bravery)

Dare with courage. In the face of challenges, we choose to move forward boldly, because it's by pushing our limits that we create change.

Apprentissage (Learning)

Continually growing. Every experience is a lesson, and we embrace the learning process with passion and curiosity.

Humilité (Humility)

Recognizing our place. We know that we are a small part of a larger whole, and we act with respect and gratitude towards all those who cross our path.

Positive leaders don't like the status quo.

What are you doing for your team today? Let's make them happier, more confident and more successful, and channel that energy into taking the company to the next level.

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Winning organizations need stars

The more a person is recognized for their work, the more effort they put in.

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Create informal bonds

Informal bonds make us happier and promote teamwork, agility and organizational performance.

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Reveal Inner Strengths

Use collective intelligence to give everyone in your organization the opportunity to discover their strengths.

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Value Your Employees

76% of employees will leave their job if they don't feel appreciated. Do more for them by introducing Listen Leon.

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Make an Impression

Great leaders make high-impact decisions for the good of those around them. These leaders are remembered more than others.

Your team deserves a dose of recognition. Give them the Positive Team Challenge.